Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Episode 3

episode 3 of pcpodcasting has been released. in this episode, the e-rabbi and byerspcteacher discuss:

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

News Update

The software world is changing rapidly. Check out some of these new sites as the Microsoft and Google battles continue.
Microsoft's "Google Like" homepage
Microsoft's answer to picasa
Google answers with a new blog search

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


New Ipod

New Ipod Nano is now available. Part shuffle, part ipod mini, part ipod photo and very small. Hey maybe the will change some of their pricing structure. We can hope anyway :-)

Apple also released a new version of Itunes

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Episode 2

episode 2 of pcpodcasting has just been released. in this episode, we covered audio mixing software, voice messaging software, pc vs. mac, gaming at the ericksons, buckeye football (quarterback situation), lions football (stinks as always), and does anyone care about hockey anymore?

the one link mentioned in the podcast was www.feedvalidator.org where you can check your rss and podcast feeds. make sure you check yours before going live.

software mentioned can be found at the following links: skype, gizmo project, google talk, goldwave, audacity and audition.